Header Main

This section contains numerous options that allow you to controling the main header:

  • Height: Drag the slider to left or right to decrease/increase the topbar height. You can also use the left & right arrow on your keyboard to adjust the value of this option.

  • Header Layout: Choose layout for your header. There are a variety of styles for you to select.

  • Primary Nav Align: Allow you to align the menu items. There are 3 option for you.

  • Right Control Elements: Allow you to show or hide the elements on the header of the page. However, you also can reorder them.
Primary Nav Align

Take header 1 as a example, when you press to left alignment, the menu items will be aligned to the left hand side.

However, if you click to center alignment, they will be aligned to the center of the header like this:

Moreover,  the menu items will be aligned to the right hand side, if you select the right alignment.

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